I recently recorded a reading of a Gemma Files story titled Each Thing I Show You is a Piece of My Death for the Lovecraft eZine! It was an absolute privilege to record this amazing story! Do you like stories about forbidden films? This story unravels through transcripts of emails, police reports, police interviews, etc., about a film project that invites a collaborator that turns out to be beyond what they ever could have imagined. It is modern and completely creepy. It was very challenging for me to voice all of the different media transcripts, but it was also a lot of fun. I hope that you get some chills out of listening!
While you are there, check out the whole playlist that Mike Davis put together on the Lovecraft eZine channel of absolutely free to listen to short stories! Also, listen to the fun podcast (on which I am a panelist) where we talk amongst friends about the latest in weird fiction and horror, and we interview some fantastic authors!
If you like what you heard and would be interested in hiring me to do some voice work for you, send me a note here at info@bridgette-brenmark.com