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COFOH Vendor!

I am on the vendor list for the Colorado Festival of Horror in Denver, CO scheduled for 11-13 September, 2020. I am so glad to be on the list, but so many things are up in the air right now due to social distancing guidelines and so many events being cancelled. As of now, COFOH is still on. If it goes forward, I will be there with my composition workbook, music boxes and prints for sale. Most importantly, we all need to stay safe and do our best to keep each other safe. If this event does get cancelled, it will be for the best and I will be automatically on the vendor list for 2021. So, that's the good news. Thank you for all of your support and hope to see you some time in the future. Please follow me on instagram @babsthecomposer and on my FaceBook Page "Dark Side of the Bridge" for art posts, notice of sales, and current updates!

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